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Outstanding Student Interview Zhaomu Xu

"It's not always efficient to keep studying. On the contrary, I find that learning when it's time to learn and playing when it's time to play can not only improve my concentration, but also won't be so easily distracted."

Vigorous, calm and introverted, dare to challenge, win in stability. It is precisely that these seemingly contradictory personality traits that constitute the multi-faceted and three-dimensional students with excellent performance in business-Xu Zhaomu and she is currently admitted to all the target schools, of which her favorite is the Rotman Commerce.


The Rotman Commerce is the leading business school in North America and even the world. It has unique advantages. First, it is located in the urban area of Toronto. Toronto is the fourth largest city in North America in terms of economic scale, the third largest financial center in North America, and the economic, technological and cultural center of Canada. Second, its funds, donations, national professor awards, research and publication scale or book collections all far exceed other Canadian universities. Students occupy the right time and place, and have many information and business opportunities to participate in or experience national and even world economic summit exhibitions, financial academic forums and so on.


I was often ignored by my teammates in group discussions due to the impression of being quiet and introverted in the past, but that doesn't mean I'm out of ideas. Every foreign teacher in the Sino-Canada Program encouraged us to express our views bravely. Mr. Matt once said that no matter whether their views are right or wrong, everyone has their own unique perspective on things, which is very important for a team. While it was indeed a challenge for me in the beginning, with hard work, I found that expressing myself was not as difficult as I thought. At the same time, every time I successfully express my point of view, I will have a great sense of achievement in my heart, and encourage and push me to accept the challenge again.


Before coming to the Sino-Canada Program, Xu Zhaomu had heard of all kinds of extracurricular activities of our program. During her three years here, Xu Zhaomu constantly challenged herself through the encouragement of teachers. She not only gained courage, but also learned to express herself. "By constantly achieving my goals, I find myself keen to accept challenges. For me, the process of accepting challenges is the process of exploring my potential. Therefore, I usually set goals that seem impossible to achieve. I will try my best and then invest a lot of time and energy to achieve them. For example, in the second semester of Grade 11, I always gave the impression of being introverted. With the encouragement and support of my head teacher Ms. Tan, I successfully served as the host of the graduation ceremony and wrote the host draft in both Chinese and English, and with the excellent on-site performance, I have won unanimous praise from teachers, students and parents."


The most impressive experience for Xu Zhaomu during the three years here is to participate in the business competition. Winning for the first time can be challenging for a novice. “When I was in grade 11, several of my classmates and I signed up for a business simulation competition. I was chosen as a leader because I had been one of the main promoters of classroom activities. Although all our team members were inexperienced, and the other team was full of experienced seniors. We didn't give up, on the contrary, we prepare everything with a positive attitude, scientific division of labor, give full play to the strengths of each member, so that the overall strength is 1+1>2. In the end, we won third place, as everyone expected. That's when I fell in love with business and set a goal for myself."


Regarding the university admissions she gained, Xu Zhaomu admitted that she likes the University of Toronto the most. "Because Toronto itself is a very attractive city. As the economic center of Canada, this means many job opportunities after graduation, but it also means great competitiveness. However, I like competition and challenge, and I believe I can do it. I am honored to be a student at the University of Toronto, with its world-ranked faculty and the Rotman Commerce also ranked number one as business school in Canada."


When it comes to the admission of the Rotman Commerce, Xu Zhaomu especially thanked the counselors of the Overseas Study Office for their help in the planning of her further studies. Also, she hopes that she can continue her studies at the Rotman in the future and strive to be a graduate student.

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