• Profile:
  • The “Sino-Canada International High School Program” at Soochow University High School (referred to as the Sino-Canada Program) was established in May 2008 and is one of 17 overseas school projects in China founded by Nova Scotia Department of Education. Students receive a complete Canadian high school curriculum in our program and all the courses are taught by Canadian teachers. Students will obtain Canadian High School Diplomas after graduation. They can choose to study in Canada, the United States, Britain, Australia, and other countries, extensive choices are possible for students to study abroad.
  • Nova Scotia Department of Education comes to China every year to inspect all international high school programs. Since its establishment, Sino-Canada Program has passed the annual school inspection with excellent results. The Governor of Nova Scotia, Mr. McNeil, visited Sino-Canada Program consecutively from 2016 to 2018, providing provincial government support for this program.
  • Where students go after graduation:
  • Since its establishment in 2008, all students have received Canadian High School Diplomas, 100% of them are admitted to overseas universities, and 83% are admitted to the world's top 100 universities. 87% of the 2018 graduates were admitted into the world's top 100 universities. Among the freshmen of 2017-2018, 15 people were admitted in the “Study and Stay” Project of the Nova Scotia government (only 50 places), and decided their future career before entering university.
  • 100% of the 2018 graduates were admitted to universities, 51% of whom were admitted to the University of Toronto, 55% to the University of Alberta, and 47% to the University of British Columbia. Many students are admitted to such universities as Queen's University, Victoria University, McMaster University, Dalhousie University, University of Western Ontario, University of Calgary, University of Ottawa, Acadia University, Newcastle University and Cardiff University.
  • Features and Advantages:
  • 1.Small class numbers:
  • approximately 25 students in each class.
  • 2.Using Canadian High School Curriculum in China:
  • Students will receive a Nova Scotia High School Student Identification Number and all courses will be based on Nova Scotia High School Textbooks. Students will obtain a Nova Scotia High School Diploma after graduation.
  • 3.Foreign teacher Status:
  • All the courses are taught by Canadian teachers and are taught in English. All foreign teachers are recommended and dispatched by the Canadian Department of Education, 100%hold Canadian teacher qualification certificates, and 70% have more than 10 years of teaching experience.
  • 4.Diversified scoring system:
  • The subject grades are based on both formative and summative assessments. Students are marked on a combination of test, quiz and exam grades (30%) in addition to presentations, projects, reports, research papers, group activities, assignments, debates, labs and teacher observations (70%). Student grades reflect student learning and performance based on a number of activities and assessments meant to avoid the evaluation method of “one test for life”.
  • 5.To study abroad directly:
  • To study abroad students whose English 12 final grade is over 70% can be admitted to overseas universities directly, without sitting for IELTS or TOEFL examinations or having university preparatory courses.
  • 6.Wide choices of studying abroad:
  • A Canadian High School Diploma is recognized worldwide; this provides many choices of study abroad for students not only study in Canada but also in the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Singapore and other countries.
  • 7.Exchange visit:
  • Students will go to Canada to study in the second semester of the second year of high school(2.5+0.5mode). This exchange program allows students to stay with a local host family, live and have classes with the local students in their community, and experience life abroad. In March every year, the teachers and students of the Canadian school boards will do a return visit to the Sino-Canada Program. Foreign university representatives visit our program regularly and bring the latest university information to us.
  • Graduation requirements and Study abroad application:
  • Graduation requirements
  • Students are required to complete a three-year Canadian High School Program and meet all the following criteria to achieve a Canadian High School Diploma.
  • a.18 credits are required to graduate from high school
  • b.Complete the social practice activities required by course outline
  • Study abroad application
  • With Canadian course grades and high school diplomas, students can directly enter the universities in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and other English-speaking countries. The Nova Scotia Department of Education will directly provide overseas universities with proof of student status, high school transcripts, diplomas, letters of recommendation and other materials.
  • Clubs information:
  • Community activities are rich: annual design, business elite, photography, French, dance, yoga, global cuisine, curling, rugby, hockey and so on. Overtime work in China will also organize unified activities, such as 12-hour fasting and food-saving activities to raise food for the world's poor areas; participation in University exhibitions organized by the Canadian Consulate General in Shanghai; Waterloo Mathematics Competition, etc. Students can also organize their own associations, enroll their own students, and exercise their organizational coordination and communicative competence.
  • Enrolment information:
  • Target of Enrolment:
  • Junior High School graduates who have a strong English foundation and those who have overseas study experience are preferred.
  • Application and admission procedures:
  • 1.Fill in the application form
  • Students and parents can apply directly on the website of the Sino-Canada Program, or they can come to the Sino-Canada Program to complete the application form and have on-site registration.
  • 2.Take the entrance exam
  • The entrance exam is divided into a written test and an interview:
  • 1) Students’ comprehensive scores reaching 70% can be admitted in advance;
  • 2) Qualified students receive the letter of admission and conduct registration
  • 3.Materials to be submitted for registration:
  • 1)Junior high school examination transcript
  • 2)Junior high school diploma
  • 3)Copy of the household registration
  • 4)Copy of passport (if have)
  • 5)3 two-inch bareheaded photos
  • Contact Information
  • Address:29 Dongzhen Road, Suzhou Industrial Park,Suzhou, China 215006
  • Tel: 0512-62519226
  • Contact Information
  • Tel: 0512-62519226
  • Website:
  • Address: 29 Dongzhen Road, Suzhou Industrial Park,Suzhou, China 215006
  • AboutUs
  • SchoolProfile
  • AboutSuzhou
  • Curriculum
  • OurAdvantages
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  • Students
  • StudyInCanada
  • Honors
  • Graduates
  • Teachers
  • Teachers
  • Jobs
  • Jobs
  • Exchange
  • Visits
  • Application
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