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New Semester New Start

As the summer heat faded, accompanied by the cool breeze, students with their own dreams once again return to campus. After a summer vacation adjustment, the whole campus with a new look to welcome the arrival of students. The teachers greeted each student with amiable smiles.


New Semester

School preparation

Before the start of school, all faculty members cleaned up the whole teaching area and carried out environmental disinfection and sterilization in strict accordance with the epidemic prevention requirements. Each student and staff member who entered the school has made a health declaration to ensure that all work in the new semester is carried out in an orderly manner.


Teaching guidance

The international teachers held the opening teaching and research meeting under the leadership of the Canadian principal. All teachers reported their teaching plans for new semester and the Canadian principal gave guidance to the teachers according to the tasks of each grade.


New Start

Head teacher meeting

Before the beginning of school, Hu Lei, the vice principal of our program, organized a meeting of all the head teachers, arranged the preparations for the beginning of the new semester, and put forward new requirements for the teaching work of this semester. She urged all the teachers to do a good job in all aspects of work and jointly promote the healthy growth of students.


Class management

On the first day of school, the head teachers organized students to study the rules and regulations of schoolStudents are encouraged to welcome the new semester with a good attitude, pay attention to the improvement of all aspects of personal quality while improving academic performance, and make full preparations for studying abroad.

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