正式进入BOOK READING环节,看这胸有成竹的样子,完全找不到紧张的影子。
未来,BOOK READING将和苏附中加学子一起,走得更远。
The "English Share a Book Literacy Project" organized by Grade 10 Canadian English teacher, Ms. Jamie-Lee Berends, is part of their term work in English 10.
The project requires the students to author and illustrate a children’s story. Working together in pairs and small groups, the students create an original story book for children.
After much research, planning, process writing, peer editing, rewrites and practice reading aloud for a young audience; the project was complete.
All of these authors were wondering,
Would the story bring joy and enlightenment to children?
Would they be interested in the story?
Would they understand the story line and theme their book was intended to show?
Their questions were answered on the afternoon of Wednesday April 10.
Students whose books were chosen had an opportunity to share their love of stories, writing and reading with students in grade 2 and 6 at SIP Loufeng Elementary School.
What kinds of interesting things would happen during the event? As the Sino-Canada Student Team entered the classroom they were greeted with smiles, excitement and respect.
Our students shared their unique books; created and produced in English with their Sino-Canada Program style, the students became‘student teachers’.
They moved with confidence and ease throughout the room and were genuinely engaged. The room filled with warmth, excited chatter and heartfelt laughter. Any feelings of hesitation or nervousness disappeared.
It was evident from the start that the Grade 2 students were very excited to participate in this activity.
The time passed quickly and as the team prepared to leave their new young friends didn’t forget to say thank you by giving the team handmade thank-you cards; they used their brushes and created their own’ picture book’ of readings and feelings in plain language.
In addition they shared their joy by showing their smiling and adorable faces in front of the camera.
The ways of learning are many and the ability to share what you know with others a gift. The team next moved to the grade 6 classroom.
The team was able to adjust to the older students and continue in their role as ‘student teacher’ adjusting naturally to this second age group.
There the students seemed to focus on the written words and wanted to follow along by pointing to the words. Some students attempted to read the story on their own, patterning what they had seen and heard our senior students do.
The Grade 6 students gave us a hand-made paper ball full of their signatures, many handmade cards and also a few hugs. Their way to let us know what the visit meant to each of them.
Our Sino-Canada Canadian principal Ms. Beth Raymond joined Ms. Jamie-Lee Berends to listen, encourage and enjoy the positive interactions that could be heard in every corner of each of the two classrooms. A wonderful opportunity to witness students from the program give back to the community in a meaningful way.
It seemed that this wonderful activity really caught the attention of children of both grade levels. They were engaged, inquisitive and actively listening.
The ‘English Share a Book Literacy Project’ proved to be a successful experience for everyone involved. Most were reluctant to have the activity end.
As everyone joined together for a final group picture at the front of SIP Loufeng Elementary School, there was no need to ask the group to smile, the genuine smiles were on every face all afternoon!
We believe this project is just a beginning.
In the future, students in our program will be given opportunities and encouraged to combine their academic talents and ability with community service in other subject areas to enrich their three years in the Sino-Canada International School Program.
Will the experience of sharing knowledge with others as a way of learning remain with this Sino-Canada Student Team in the future?
Will they recall this afternoon of combining teaching with reaching out to others?
Will our students reflect on how the Canadian teachers in their program structured the courses to present a variety of experiences as a means to acquire knowledge?
Only time will tell.